"so the orphan isn't for me"... Good Lord! That says a lot about how you view adoption and the desire you THINK you feel to "help" a poor, suffering child.
News flash, sweetie: Any child who gets adopted is not FOR anyone. Children are not things, gifts, or anything else that could be FOR another person. Sheesh!
I am an adult adoptee and the idea that I was adopted FOR anyone other than ME is repulsive -- it turns my stomach. (Incidentally, I was NOT adopted for me... and my life as a child was very little other than suffering because of it. That is, my life AFTER adoption was miserable.)
Like others have said, all adoptions from Haiti are suspended right now. NOBODY can adopt a child from Haiti that wasn't already in the process and matched with a child BEFORE the earthquakes.
There are MANY ethical, reputable aid agencies that are sending people, supplies, food and building materials to help ALL the people of Haiti (not just the "orphans" -- who cannot even be classed as orphans yet, as the search for survivors AND the deceased is far from complete) to recover and rebuild. Why not contribute a little of the money you clearly have to spend (because adoption is NOT cheap) to an organization that can and will improve the situation for MANY Haitians, including the children?
Put on the brakes, love, and take a few deep breaths. It will be a good, long time before your mother (or anyone else) might even consider adoption from Haiti. Find a more productive channel for your concern and energy at present.
Take care~