2010-08-31 09:17:32 UTC
She should be about 28 years old now, and I wonder if she wonders how he is doing. I have a bio son and I just cannot imagine how she must have felt giving up her son. If it were me, I would want to know where he is and what kind of family he is with.
We know her name and the town she's from, so I am pretty sure we can find her. If anything, I would like her to know that he is OK, ask her some questions about her family, possibly finding out the name of my son's bio father, and ideally have some sort of regular contact with her so that she can be part of our lives somehow.
My question is, how do I write my letter? I have no idea whether she would even want to hear from me. I am wondering if other bio moms who relinquished could chime in on how I should approach her, what should I say?