Because we started out foster parents, I've been met with everything from the very patronizing, "Oh, what a WONDERFUL thing you're doing!" to suspicion and disdain by those who believe that all foster parents are dishonest and are warehousing children for a whopping few hundred bucks a month. It runs the gammet.
The former has always disgusted me. I have a sister who is disabled. She was in a major car accident when she was 17 (30 years ago), and though she is a paraplegic, she has a husband, 2 children, a degree, etc. People are so often shocked at what she has been able to do despite her apparent limitations.
Years ago, when her kids were smaller (maybe 15 years ago?), she ran into someone she went to high school with and they exchanged the usual pleasantries about what each other were doing now...My sister told this woman that she was married with two young children, and the woman seemed somewhat incredulous at this...She asked my sister questions about my brother-in-law...when they got together, if they were together before the accident, etc...When my sister told her that they met and started dating AFTER the accident, the woman did the infamous patronizing "head tilt" and cooed, "Oooh, what a NICE MAN!".
My sister never forgot this, and neither did I. To dehumanize a person in this way is truly dispicable, and to imply that any human being is less entitled to such basic things as love, safety, security and affection is truly telling...When one assigns value to another human being based on circumstances outside of their control, it says more about them than the person they are attempting to dehumanize.
Now, as to your added details...As I explained to you before, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and Darlin', when you first posted here, you came out swinging. People need to understand that the internet is really just a virtual social gathering. In any other situation, you would not walk into a room where many people know each other, and meet for a specific purpose, and immediately begin to hurl accusations and aggressively challenge their common ground. In real life, you WILL be met with vitriol, because when you walk into a group and begin to spew vitriol, you are bound to get it back. Human beings still have some primal instincts, and when backed into a corner, they will still swing back.
If you are prepared to come in, guns a-blaze the way you did, you MUST be prepared for some backlash. Again, you don't seem stupid. Just indignant, dismissive and defensive.
Calm down, and you might learn something. I'm sure without all the anger ("I hope you all suffocate in your own hate miasma."?!), you would have something to add to the discussion. But you have rendered yourself very difficult to "listen" to.