2014-04-28 19:05:11 UTC
A few days later, my daughter came over to my home, uninvited. I hadn't given her my address but she claims she got it from a supportive family member of mine on facebook. She spent time around my two children and even brought them some fairly expensive gifts (a X-Box 360 and a PS4)! I told her I didn't want her to do that, but she insisted. She has no let up in coming over to visit and calling me at any whim. I told her that I wanted more space and that she was being too overbearing. She told me she wanted me and my kids to love her. I firmly asked her to please stop. But she has continued to call and trying to arrange meet-ups, which I keep refusing. She wants too much, too fast. I'm not sure what to do but I just don't feel like I *love* her. I know I birthed her, but that was the extent of my relation to her. What should I do?