Here is the whole answer from that person.
I disagree. I don't think that you think "everyone has their own rights and should take responsibility for their actions" because your question is a complete contradiction. You said this "and want to take the baby away from the adopted parent" and someone below even said that the birth mother would want to "steal the baby".
I believe everyone has a choice. A choice to abort or not. A choice to place for adoption or not. I have never appreciated anti-abortionists demanding that a female not get an abortion and then after their condemnation not adopting the child they insisted on coming into this world. They should put their money where their big mouths are. I also don't approve of men having any say in abortion. Until they get a pair of ovaries, they have no business telling us what we should do with our bodies. That said, I think it's unconscionable to use abortion as birth control."
"For Andrayno,
At least I read your posts before thumbing you down. You just proved my point. You've CHOSEN to be pregnant 5 times. Two, you placed for adoption, you claim were coerced from you. Two you aborted. One you kept. Are you aware that many also contemplate, attempt and succeed in suicide after they have an abortion. Could it be that your anger and blame is very displaced and you actually have a guilty conscience but just can't admit it to yourself? I think it is. Can you not see your hypocrisy? I know you cannot. You and your group have judged we adoptive parents as being "unfit", "angry" and worse than "selfish" by calling us "baby snatchers/stealers/brokers/buyers". I am angry right now with what you said. You want it all your way and if you don't get it your going to take your ball and bat and run home. You jump to the conclusion that we are all infertile, which we all are not. You want pity for having an eating disorder, cancer, "not tolerating pregnancy well" and the final blow, PTSD (you and I can't be the only ones who have this in here, and I don't want anyone's pity, thank you). It's time for you and your group of high fiver's to have pity for children. So yes, now you have definately convinced me that birth mothers should take a home study to prove they are fit parents if they are going to keep the baby. You tell us that we are just not supposed to have children, get over it and live with it and that adoption is no excuse if you have either been diagnosed that pregnancy would be dangerous for yourself or infertile or simply have love for children and choose not to overpopulate this world, like you have. Why is it okay for what you say and do and not the rest of us? It IS NOT OKAY! You blame the guy who knocks you up and call him "the sperminator". IN MY OPINION, you are NOT a fit parent. I think you should have gotten a hysterectomy after your first abortion. I think it's disgusting that you are pumping children out left and right and not using birth control (except abortion for your personal birth control). Your sarcastic crack that you ate "noodles and vomited" isn't amusing. Maybe it's your unrighteous anger, projecting and eating disorder along with the chemo that made you puke, but it sure wasn't me. As for your comment here, tonight I'll be worshiping the porcelain goddess and having nightmares and tomorrow have your "answer" here to refer to from now on as proof unless, you falsely report my answer or the question again, like you always do to mine and delete your "response" and or this "question". This has gone far enough. You guys have your own site. Please go to it and stop insulting and harassing the rest of us. You're not getting anywhere with your lies and slander. No one in their right mind would want to join your deranged feeding frenzied shark-fest.
Possum, you may see this as an attack but it is NOT! You just don't like people to tell the truth nor be able to voice their opinion. I read for myself that Andrayno attacked crunchie and insulted me."
Below is my answer to your question Possum:
Now the first part of her answer I agreed with. I thought she was giving a nice answer. Then she has to go attack Andrayno. Which was uncalled for. I mean she doesn't have to agree with what someone does with their life. That is her right, but to make that person feel less of a person is uncalled for. She accuses people of making her feel less than a person. But in the same breath she attacks people and name calls. She blocks people that don't agree with her or at least call her out to say maybe you shouldn't of said that. She will continue to attack people who do not share her opinion. So, all we can do is ignore her. I mean I'm Wow!!
That was one hate filled answer and she should look in the mirror before she accuses others of being hateful.