Number of abortions per year: Approximately 46 Million
Number of abortions per day: Approximately 126,000
Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)
Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700
How many children are abused and neglected in the United States?
Each week, child protective services (CPS) agencies throughout the United States receive more than 50,000 reports of suspected child abuse or neglect. In 2002, 2.6 million reports concerning the welfare of approximately 4.5 million children were made.
In approximately two-thirds (67 percent) of these cases, the information provided in the report was sufficient to prompt an assessment or investigation. As a result of these investigations, approximately 896,000 children were found to have been victims of abuse or neglect—an average of more than 2,450 children per day.
An average of nearly four children die every day as a result of child abuse or neglect (1,400 in 2002).
Causes of Child Deaths
Where and why are 10 million children dying every year?
Complete report available from The Lancet
The most accurate estimates of the causes of child deaths to date, published in the March 26, 2005 of THE LANCET, reveal that worldwide more than 70% of the 10.6 million child deaths that occur annually are attributable to six causes: pneumonia (19%), diarrhoea (18%), malaria (8%), neonatal sepsis or pneumonia (10%), preterm delivery (10%), and asphyxia at birth (8%).
(See also Intercountry adoption)
Number of U.S. Domestic Adoptions
1,400,000 (1.4-million or 87% of all adoptions) were domestic adoptions in 2000.
200,000 (or 13% of all adoptions) were of foreign-born children
1,600,000 - Total Number of Adoptions in the U.S. in 2000
-U.S. Census, 2000
FY Estimated 2002 U.S. Domestic Adoption Totals, by States Reporting,
of 50,000 U.S. Children Adopted from Foster Care, published by
North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC), Summer 2003
Alabama 279
Colorado 891
Connecticut 564
Delaware 132
D.C. 313
Florida 2,246
Georgia 1,054
Hawaii 366
Iowa 880
Kentucky 552
Louisiana 474
Maryland 965
Minnesota 627
Missouri 1,350
New Hampshire 144
New Jersey 1,364
New York
New Mexico
North Carolina 1,359
North Dakota
Ohio 2,165
Oregon 1,118
Pennsylvania 2,020
South Carolina
South Dakota 145
Tennessee 922
Texas 2,292
West Virginia 361
Wisconsin 939
Wyoming 50
190,000 children were adopted from foster care in 1999
-U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, AFCARS Report
50,000 children were adopted from public foster care in 2001;
50% were male;
50% were female;
38% were White;
35% were Black;
16% were Hispanic
I'm for. Because as citizens we can make the difference. The average between child in need and adopted child is the difference.