Are you for or against adoption?
Princess Myfaeia
2008-05-07 12:24:12 UTC
Are you for or against adoption? And why?
51 answers:
2008-05-07 13:25:15 UTC

Number of abortions per year: Approximately 46 Million

Number of abortions per day: Approximately 126,000


Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)

Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700

How many children are abused and neglected in the United States?

Each week, child protective services (CPS) agencies throughout the United States receive more than 50,000 reports of suspected child abuse or neglect. In 2002, 2.6 million reports concerning the welfare of approximately 4.5 million children were made.

In approximately two-thirds (67 percent) of these cases, the information provided in the report was sufficient to prompt an assessment or investigation. As a result of these investigations, approximately 896,000 children were found to have been victims of abuse or neglect—an average of more than 2,450 children per day.

An average of nearly four children die every day as a result of child abuse or neglect (1,400 in 2002).

Causes of Child Deaths

Where and why are 10 million children dying every year?

Complete report available from The Lancet

The most accurate estimates of the causes of child deaths to date, published in the March 26, 2005 of THE LANCET, reveal that worldwide more than 70% of the 10.6 million child deaths that occur annually are attributable to six causes: pneumonia (19%), diarrhoea (18%), malaria (8%), neonatal sepsis or pneumonia (10%), preterm delivery (10%), and asphyxia at birth (8%).


(See also Intercountry adoption)

Number of U.S. Domestic Adoptions

1,400,000 (1.4-million or 87% of all adoptions) were domestic adoptions in 2000.

200,000 (or 13% of all adoptions) were of foreign-born children

1,600,000 - Total Number of Adoptions in the U.S. in 2000

-U.S. Census, 2000

FY Estimated 2002 U.S. Domestic Adoption Totals, by States Reporting,

of 50,000 U.S. Children Adopted from Foster Care, published by

North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC), Summer 2003

Alabama 279




Colorado 891

Connecticut 564

Delaware 132

D.C. 313

Florida 2,246

Georgia 1,054

Hawaii 366


Iowa 880


Kentucky 552

Louisiana 474


Maryland 965



Minnesota 627


Missouri 1,350



New Hampshire 144

New Jersey 1,364

New York

New Mexico

North Carolina 1,359

North Dakota

Ohio 2,165


Oregon 1,118

Pennsylvania 2,020

South Carolina

South Dakota 145

Tennessee 922

Texas 2,292





West Virginia 361

Wisconsin 939

Wyoming 50

190,000 children were adopted from foster care in 1999

-U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, AFCARS Report

50,000 children were adopted from public foster care in 2001;

50% were male;

50% were female;

38% were White;

35% were Black;

16% were Hispanic

I'm for. Because as citizens we can make the difference. The average between child in need and adopted child is the difference.
2008-05-07 12:42:15 UTC
For ethical legal adoption of children who genuinely need homes.

Against unethical or unnecessary Infant adoption practises and infant adoption agencies run as supply and demand businesses (as opposed to a social service for children) USA style

Against closed adoption and the witholding Vital Information from all adult adoptees regarding their own birth and genetic history.
a healing adoptee
2008-05-07 12:51:48 UTC
i'm for adoption, i'm just not for the corruption that has come to light in countries such as vietnam and guatemla regarding their adoption practices. People need to be aware that fraud can occur in adoption, so there needs to be edcuation and research done before someone adopts or gives their child away.
2008-05-07 12:30:39 UTC
it depends on the sitution as it relates to the parents it can be great in some cases and bad in others
magic pointe shoes
2008-05-07 12:49:25 UTC
I'm mostly against adoption in how it is completed in this day and age. The only country that comes close to ethical policies relating to adoption is Australia in that it really discourages the ideals of harvesting babies from their mothers because of social stigma.

I'd rather instead of adoption, that the social, financial, or other reasons why families need to abandon their children be addressed so that family preservation can be had. I find it appalling that the first solution to the troubles is to take the children, ignore the rest and forget they ever existed.

I am against sealed adoption records, and against false birth certificates.

If adoption was limited to those who truly were orphans or were in immediate physical danger from all of their family, and adoption wasn't attempting to erase the past biological history of said child, than I would be more for adoption.

Until then, I see too much loss, too much unethical behavior, too many people wanting the wrong children placed for adoption, and too many children who really need homes being overlooked because they aren't what the potential adoptive parents were looking for to replace the pregnancy that couldn't be.
starry skye
2008-05-08 03:13:36 UTC
I am not against or for. Some of the stories I'm reading now are so sad. I'm crying a my computer.
2008-05-08 01:40:30 UTC
As for the comment about giving a baby away to strangers, yes you can pick the parents and do some research to learn about them but the fact is, they still are strangers. You don't know what they are really like. All you know is the public face they put on for your benefit. Of course they are going to present themselves in the best possible light to get you to choose them as parents. You still don't know what their true motivations are for adopting your child and how that child will be treated once the adoption is finalized.
2008-05-07 13:48:20 UTC
I would never give up a child to complete strangers.It is my child I will keep it.
2008-05-07 13:09:59 UTC
Adoption is a great idea so long as you are doing it for the right reasons. Adopting a child is a huge responsibility. You will be raising a child that isn't biologically yours. If you are doing it for social status than that is a bad idea. You will be hurting the child in the long run. A child needs nourishment in all aspects of their life and a person doing it for status will provide material necessities. However, they may falter in the emotional bonding area. So, be aware of why you are adopting. Is it really for taking care of an innocent child or to make you look better in society.

When adopting, you should be able to raise the child as if they were your very own. There is many children out there that is in need of parents who can love them and cherish them as they should be cherished. Anyone who is able to give an adopted child unconditional love is a very special person.
Mr. Tights
2008-05-07 12:27:22 UTC
I didn't know there was a debate about adoption... I mean seriously what is wrong with adoption.
2016-04-04 07:23:35 UTC
Certain kinds. I'm fully behind adoption when it is: - From foster care (parental rights terminated and reunion is not possible) - Adoption of a relative - Special needs, whereby the parents give up their child simply because they can't accommodate the specific needs of a child, ie down's syndrome or cerebral palsy. - If the parents genuinely don't want to parent. I think the above two should be dealt with through foster care regardless of age - what I'm mainly against is agencies and brokering. I'm generally fine with adoption itself: what I don't like or trust is that it's a business. When they start putting a price on human life is when I draw the line. If you're paying someone, and that someone is not an adoption lawyer or it isn't going DIRECTLY to the care of the child or other children in services (as with foster care), someone is making a profit out of splitting up a family that might not need to be split up at all. I'm neutral on international adoption, since I don't have any experience or knowledge. I'll err on the side of caution and say I wouldn't advocate it, personally. Where's the need to go overseas coming from when there's literally thousands of kids in foster care here?
2008-05-08 09:27:42 UTC
Hi, I'm for adoption. I was adopted at birth and I love my family and they love me. I have 5 siblings and we are all different, my mum was married, had 3 kids, divorced, had one kid, married dad, and then adopted me and my sister (not blood related though). I was a single mum and having the diverse family that I did made her feel no different from her friends who weren't adopted, or were in a two parent home, or were all white, or all chinese, or all black, or gay or straight. Diversity is wonderful and I wouldn't have learned it the way I did if I had not been adopted. Thanks.
2008-05-07 13:17:28 UTC
if the child/children need a home I'm all for it. I don't like some of the practices the the local state government uses.I'm not for.

Yes I know that some kids in foster care need to be permanently removed from their homes,but their are others that don't and the state still puts them up for adoption because they stand to make a lot of money off the federal government.

So I guess what I'm saying if it is an adoption out of true need and not greed ,it should happen.
2008-05-07 20:03:15 UTC
I am completely for it, yet I doubt there are many people against it.

Adoption is the best way to give an unwanted child a chance at a happy life.

Many people have said they could never give their baby up to complete strangers. However, there are a few things wrong with this theory. First, you as a birthmother can research and learn about each adoptive family before choosing one to give your child to. Secondly, if you are struggling so much with money for you and your child that he or she can barely eat, is that really a better alternative? Giving your child up for adoption doesn't mean you don't love them; it just means you love them so much that you would give them to a couple or person who can care for their needs better than you can.

If someone is able to care for a baby, then by all means keep your child. But if your home is not safe or stable enough for a child, adoption is beautiful and wonderful thing.
2008-05-07 12:32:08 UTC
I think adoption is a great thing. There are many people who would be wonderful loving parents but do not have the opportunity. If a woman finds herself pregnant but does not want to keep the baby or can not provide a good life for the child then i think it is a great idea. Obviously the woman has to be 100% sure that she wants to give up the baby for adoption and noone should ever be forced into making a decision like this.

Adoption is not always just an option with babies but also with older children who need a secure and loving environment. I really can not see any negative side to adoption at all.
2008-05-07 17:18:17 UTC
I am for adoption mostly because I am adopted, yes it does suck because I dont get to see any of my real family until im an adult but until then im really glad im not jumping homes. I think every family that cannot handle a kid should try adoption, its better than abortion and in fact a child gets a home where they will be protected with everything.
2008-05-08 09:05:35 UTC
i support adoption under the following circumstances:

-it's absent of coercion

-it's absent of profit

-it's the last choice when parenting options are exhausted

-it's done to provide a home for a child and not a child for a family

-it's ethical
2008-05-07 13:53:40 UTC
Should there even be a debate about adoption? When a birth mom knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she could not raise her own child, wouldn't you think it be the only other choice a woman should make? The birth mom will remember giving life, and the adoptive family will have a child. Are you trying to say that we should be for or against it, like people are for or against abortion? Actually that should not be debated either, should it? Life is life, no matter if we are ready to parent or not.
2008-05-07 21:20:57 UTC
100% For adoption.
2008-05-07 21:02:53 UTC
I'm for adoption. It's a wonderful thing for couples to do who can't have a child of their own & also for someone who feels adoption is the best choice for their child.
2008-05-08 05:00:29 UTC
I'm very much for it. It provides a chance for those who want children and cannot have them biologically to become parents and it gives orphans or those children given up for whatever reasons a chance at a family to call their own and subsequently, a better life.
Jennifer L
2008-05-07 18:38:20 UTC
I am for adoption: done legally and ethically. I don't care if it is domestic infant, international or foster adoption. Every child deserves a safe, loving and secure home. Every child that needs a home deserves to have one.
2008-05-07 16:20:17 UTC
I will never understand (and have yet to meet) anyone who is AGAINST adoption. Why would anyone be against giving a needy child a loving home???? I myself was adopted at birt and am so grateful to my mother for doing so. I also intend to adopt children (as well as have biological ones) when I get older. Angelina Jolie has the right idea.It's not a trend...It's just a humane, wonderful thing to do.
2008-05-07 13:13:24 UTC
I am for adoption in certain cases. Adoption isn't right for everyone, but I believe if a woman chooses not to parent, for whatever reason, that option should be available to her. and woman who do choose adoption should not be raked over the coals by those who don't understand why she would choose that option. No one can know what someone else goes through in their journey, as each is unique.
Halo Mom
2008-05-07 12:30:59 UTC
Adoption may not be for everyone

Adoption gives birth parents that can not raise a child a chance to give them parents, (in a lot of case, parents that can not have children)

You may never give a child up for adoption or adoption a child, but I do not understand how one can be for or against adoption?

It not like Abortion, where some people believe that live begins at conception, and abortion is wrong
2008-05-07 21:34:57 UTC
I am all for all types of legal adoption
2008-05-07 15:24:47 UTC
I'm for adoption but I would never give my child up for adoption.
2008-05-07 15:52:17 UTC
Adoption is really importan for hildren. If no adoption more homeless and dead. Im adompted and my mom was 16 she probly have icufisiant and really it would mess there lives up if lived on streetts whole life.
Alyssa Marie's mom
2008-05-07 12:27:43 UTC
I am for ppl adopting, but I would never give a child up for adoption
Gail M
2008-05-07 12:39:53 UTC
i`m all 4 adoption if the reasons r good,But i know that same children r with the parents even if they r on drugs and drink.
2008-05-07 12:29:42 UTC
Totally for adoption!! My older two siblings are adopted and I love them no different than by brother and he feels the same way. If I could not have children I would adopt. Or if I just felt like I wanted to I would.
2008-05-07 13:57:20 UTC
i am for adoption because i think that every child should have a parent
2008-05-07 12:29:04 UTC
Pro adoption. I have several members in my family that have been adopted, including my grandmother. Without adoption some children don't have a chance at a normal life. But thats just my opinion.
2008-05-07 12:28:42 UTC
I think if you can handle it adopt. there are so many children out there who need love from someone and if you can give it to them then you are a very special person. I am totally for it.
2008-05-07 16:18:59 UTC
Im for adoption. its the chance for all types of couples to have children.
2008-05-07 12:42:39 UTC
Why would anyone be against adoption? If an un-expecting mother doesn't want to/can't have an abortion and can't keep the baby, adoption is necessary.

I was adopted because my mother was young. I am proud of her for making that decision because it was best for BOTH of us.

There are also thousands of adults deserving of children that can't conceive for many reasons . Buy adopting, they are giving a child a home that needs one.

There are so many more reasons I support adoption... but I never considered that I "supported" it because I never considered it a controversial issue.
2008-05-07 18:13:51 UTC
For adoption

if you have the chance to bring a child in need into a good family then why not?
2008-05-07 13:00:19 UTC
I'm definitely for adoption
I'm a Fanpire!!<3 Spunk R
2008-05-07 12:28:19 UTC
for because everyone nedds a real home thats more or less theirs but if the parents loolk weird and creepy don't let adopt.
Sounds Painful
2008-05-07 12:32:23 UTC
Are you talking about heterosexual adoption or homosexual adoption?

I didn't know there was a debate against heterosexual adoption... but I'm for it.
2008-05-07 12:42:36 UTC
I am for adoption. There are many children who otherwise have no families to raise them.

I am NOT for discouraging girls and women to give up their white babies to provide them to childless couples. Adoption should be about finding homes for children who do not have one.
2008-05-07 18:21:15 UTC
Adoption = yes.

abortion = no.

why kill an innocent baby, cause you dont want it when there is plenty of people who would want that baby?
mizz hottie
2008-05-07 12:30:06 UTC
I am for adoption because adoption can bring children to a better place where they will get parrents who love and care for them.
2008-05-07 12:28:42 UTC
DEFINATELY for it. Sooooo many kids are abandoned in the US and abroad that need good homes. Why could be more important than changing a life for the better? Generations could be effected!
2008-05-07 12:28:43 UTC
How can you be against adoption???
2008-05-07 12:27:58 UTC
For, because there are too many kids in need of a home.
2008-05-07 12:27:40 UTC
adoption.? well im very for adoption.
2008-05-07 12:29:57 UTC
for adopptin but would never give my own child up, i don't care how hard life may be , i would rather struggle then gve up my baby.
Anastasia Beaverhausen
2008-05-07 12:52:51 UTC
i think adoption stinks.
Mr. E
2008-05-07 12:28:39 UTC
as opposed to what exactly? involuntary euthenasia?
2008-05-07 12:27:58 UTC
for it cuz you give something a home

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