Alameda county is an open records county for adoptive parents. That means that the adoptive parents can sign for his original birth certificate and adoption decree which has at least his biological mothers full name on it. Maybe his biological fathers depending on the circumstances of his surrender.
Let me poke around and see if I can find anything else for you, in the meantime check out this link....
Okay so here is something REALLY COOL you can do since you know your fathers possible last name, go to this link...
use the login : vitalguest
password: enjoy
and click onto the link that takes you to the 1905-1995 birth index for california. After entering the password you'll go to a page that has a big loud net detective ad, don't click on that. Click in the bottom right hand corner where it says "begin search reset"
Then do a search for his last name at birth "taylor" but from where I'm looking you'll probably have to enter "tay%" because taylor is too many digets and unless you enter the % sign they'll only bring you back results for taylo which isn't the name you're looking for....
You'll get like 53,000 in results.... click on mothers last name to alphabatize by last name for her, or county brings up all alameda births first so that may be easier. This is going to help you find his FULL NAME at birth that can start your search better.
while you do this, i'm going to see if I can find the laws for offspring of adoptees, i believe its not going to be positive since california doesn't even include adoptees as "parties to the adoption"