Did God "provide" for you in adoption?
2010-06-15 19:36:20 UTC
An AP said "God will provide" (meaning a child) to a prospective adopter in an answer I read earlier.

So adoptees and natural mothers: Did God "provide" for you?
22 answers:
2010-06-15 21:07:35 UTC
If they believe that God provided them with a child, why did He have to destroy another woman to do so? Why didn't their God put the child in THEIR wombs and not of another woman, sometimes in a foreign country? Why does the birth certificate say that they came from that woman? Does God lie, too?

That God! What a kidder, huh? If Touchdown Jesus being struck by lightening, a message from God if I ever saw one, is a sign, then why isn't infertility a sign that you are maybe supposed to remain childless?

Does that mean that the ones who cannot have a child are really supposed to take the child from a woman who can, who is less deserving in God's eyes than they are? What message is SHE supposed to get from God? That she is a worthless slut? That she is less worthy to raise her own child than the people that God, in his circuitous and indirect way, made unable to have their own?

Poor God! All I can say is he must be pretty sick and tired of being blamed for all the crap that happens in the world...first the Crusades, then the Inquistion, then the Burning Times, then the Salem Witch trials, then Dachau and the whole WW2 mess, and, now Adoption!
2010-06-16 07:07:39 UTC
Did God Provide for me......... Im not sure exactly what your asking, But I will say this.... I don't believe there is a god to tell you the truth, If there is, I don't understand him at all.... I am not a religious person, But if one was to say that god chose me to have the life I have , Then I have a big problem with that!

You know, I have been here a while now, Making sure people know that not all adoptions are good, and sometimes they makes things worse, not better!

To tell you the truth, I don't know what I believe any more..... I have said many times in the past that I was born by mistake, Some people might use that as a punch line or perhaps they may say it if their going through a rough time..etc.. But I really believe that.... I have since I was 12 yrs old.

You know , Most 12 yr olds are busy playing and having fun, You know just being kids, Now don't get me wrong, I did play to, But all the happiness I showed was fake, I was pretending to be happy!

Why was I not happy..... I couldn't tell you, But even back then I knew something wasn't right, I felt like I was put on this earth by mistake....

I don't know what to believe any more......... They say life is precious and you should live every day to its fullest because no body is promised tomorrow, But what if you just don't care if your here tomorrow or not...

I am hoping that one day I find my bio Mom and all this hate I have inside goes away, But what if I do find her and it doesn't go away, then what...

To think this horrible existence I am living is gods will just angers me even more.... What did I do to deserve this kind of life....

Im not sure if this is the kind of answer you wanted , But this is what I think...
2010-06-16 08:16:42 UTC
No. I'm sure my first mom didn't get pregnant so that God could put the idea in her head to put me up for adoption. I'm sure that the agency wasn't acting as a soldier of God when they placed me into an abusive home.

I'm not a believer in God, but I can't even cobble together a reason that I would be placed where I was because some deity thought it would be a good idea.
2010-06-15 20:21:28 UTC
ummm Nope, my great grandma provided.....the cash to buy me with that is. Great grandma might have THOUGHT she was God, but she was not.

I think that had God wanted to provide, he could have provide dme a way to stay with the mother he gave me to. It seems to me that he made his choice of who should be my mother when I was conceived. It was a HUMAN who decided she wasn't good enough.

Oh and as an AP, I do not think "God" gave me my daughter. (have had this said to me since I have a passel of boys) I think the mother "God" chose for her made some mistakes and was unable tocare for her and so in our imperfect human state we all (her other mother, my husband and I) came up with the best solution we could.
2010-06-16 06:09:41 UTC
Of course not. God gave us free will...a gift so precious He didn't even give it to the angels! And with that free will we humans make all kinds of mistakes, including adoption.
2010-06-16 22:01:24 UTC
I'm not particularly religious so I'll say Fate and not God...but yes, I was absolutely provided for. My adoptive parents are great. We have so much in common and to this day (I'm 36) I talk to my mom almost daily - we're best friends. My birth mother wasn't a bad person. She was just a kid (18yr) and wanted to go off to college and not be a parent. I will always be grateful that she placed me for adoption and didn't choose to have an abortion. It's just fate that I ended up in the adoptive home I did, but I think fate definitely provided for me by giving me to the family I was meant to have.
2010-06-16 01:52:20 UTC
God didn't provide anything as he had nothing to do with it. In fact for years I felt like I was being punished by God for not having the strength to stop the adoption and my punishment was to not have more chidren. Of course I know God wasn't punishing me now as God gave people choice to make decaisions for themselves. So it was my parents and the adoption agency who chose to lie to me and I didn't have the knowledge to know that I was being lied to.

God had nothing to do with my son being adopted so therefore he wouldn't provide me with anything.
2010-06-15 21:05:37 UTC
UGH!!!! I hate that mind set.

I was unmarried and found out i was unexpectedly pregnant. With that mind set i would have placed my son! He!! the first Sunday i found out i was pregnant, the message at church was about adoption and how great and amazing it is *gags* ! I could have so easily taken this as a sign that i was suppose to place my son. Which now I know would have KILLED my very soul.

But you know what. That type of thinking is total bull crap! God never wanted me to place my son. What he wants is for people to place their trust in him. To have faith in him and that he will provide (the resources necessary to parent your own flesh and blood). And you know what he did for me.

As for AP, God has provided children for them to adopt. They are in foster care. Children that NEED parents. But most AP wont put their faith in the lord and adopt from there because those children have "issues" aka they aren't infants!

Furthermore, God doesn't make mistake which means he DID NOT put a baby inside someone else's uterus. That would be a mistake, c'mon people!
2010-06-15 21:48:55 UTC
Nope. God had nothing to do with my adoption. Not one thing. I actually think God would be pretty disgusted at how people use his name to justify procuring an infant. He would also be sad that there are people who think he had anything to do with the separation of families, and lack of resources for them to stay together.

By the way...I just found out that the church that erected "Touchdown/Butter Jesus" has a "home for unwed mothers" on their property, and they provide adoption services. There's your sign.
2010-06-16 03:00:28 UTC
He certainly provides for the adopters who are too obese or infertile to have their own child. I guess God must work for an adoption agency.
Tad W
2010-06-15 22:24:32 UTC
Sunny, you really must stop asking these loaded questions that assume facts not in evidence...

However, if we consider the Biblical accounts, and assume the Bible to be inerrant, when God provides for a childless couple, he typically "opens the womb" and the woman becomes pregnant. Moses mother was coerced into relinquishment by Pharaoh's decree to kill all male Hebrew children, and then she contrived to be with her son in the guise of a wet nurse. Ester was an orphan raised by a cousin. Why would an all powerful omniscient being resort to taking a child from one mother and giving it to a wannabe when he has the power to impregnate virgins without recourse to the normal mechanisms? Doesn't make sense. In fact, He seems to have thought Solomon's decision in determining the true mother among the harlots was an object lesson to be recorded for posterity to establish how wise Solomon was.

The story in Kings is illustrative. Here we see two women. One a natural mother who passionately desires to parent her child, but who chooses to relinquish to save him from being cut in twain. On the other side we see the prospective adoptive mother who wants a child at any cost, even if it means stealing him and she is willing to allow him to be cut in two to win her prize. It was BECAUSE the natural mother was willing to sacrifice her own need for that of her child that showed Solomon who the true mother was. Unfortunately, our current system of adoption law lacks the wisdom of Solomon, and the agencies and others who profit from adoption exploit the strength of motherhood as a weakness.

Some of the things that "God"(or nature if your are so inclined) provides for a child and for its mother: A nine month gestation period where the child and mother bond physically, emotionally and spiritually. Custom nutrients and a shared set of physical antibodies delivered from mother to child through breast milk. Hormonal changes in both the mother and the father that prepare them to function as parents. The child's recognition of its mother (and father), possibly through recognition of mother's pheromones, and I suspect other mechanism as well. A biological imperative to sustain the genetic lineage of the mother through protection of the child. And the list goes on.

To pray for a child to adopt is to ask deity to make a child suffer to meet the desires of the person doing the praying.
Protecting the baby
2010-06-17 10:00:57 UTC
The misconception of non-believers is that you get what you want, when you ask for it from God. It doesn't work that way. You can ask God for whatever you would like him to provide to you. That doesn't mean you will get your way. God provides in many ways. I'm a Christian and I would love to adopt a little girl. All I can do is pray about it and if it's meant to be, he will provide it. If not, he will provide for me in other ways. I handed my life over to God and I have to have faith in him that he will provide for me in a way that is best for me. Does that mean I will be able to adopt a little girl? Maybe so, maybe not. That's for God to decide.

On the flip side of that coin, God gives us free will. He will knock on your heart but he won't come in unless he is invited. He is not a control freak and it's sad that so many non-believers will call to Him when they feel like he is responsible for their problems but won't turn to thank Him for receiving a blessing. I hate to hear people say "where is your God now" when I have a problem. Being a Christian does not mean being spoiled and always getting my way. It means that I will have hard times just like anyone else and if I'm a true Christian, it will serve as a testimony to my faith in God. This is still the devil's world you live in. God gives you the opportunity to be a Christian but he is a generous God, he won't force himself on you. If a natural mother chooses not to live her life in a manner to raise a child properly, society makes the decision to remove the child from the home....part of free will. The natural mother makes her decision to live her life as she pleases (sometimes being very selfish and putting her wants in front of a child's needs) and society makes the decision to take the child. God frowns on both, I think. I think he frowns on the mother for not turning to him in her time of need (to straighten her life out) and he frowns on adoption. But someone has to feed God's children and love them. I don't think he frowns on a person willing to step up and take on that responsibility. That natural mother may blame God for having her child taken away but never blame herself for the choices she is making for that to happen. Again, free will.
2010-06-16 03:45:28 UTC
No way in HELL.

There is no god whom allows one to gain (adopters) at the expense and extreme suffering of another (first mother).

God is man made and so is adoption.
2010-06-15 20:44:46 UTC
No - "God" did not put me here to act as some incubator for an infertile couple. And, you know - imagine if that statement were turned around with, "God didn't want you to make your own kids."

As I've said earlier today - institutions are used to justify the means of separating children from their natural mothers OR I'm completely insane and God is an a**hole.
Lisa C
2010-06-16 19:35:49 UTC
By saying "God will provide" does not mean He will give you what you ask for. Many times the answer you seek is not the one you get. But rest assured, He provides. He provides for all His people. And He loves us all. Even the ones who deny Him.
Carol c
2010-06-15 20:09:35 UTC
No way!

And I believe any God/Supreme being would be against separating a child from a mother's arms; especially if she was screaming to keep him.
2010-06-15 20:20:02 UTC
No. Agencies and social workers did that.

They also took away before they provided.
2010-06-15 19:53:39 UTC
I don't think adoption was in God's original plans,but for how the world is ,it is a blessing. Remember early in the Bible Moses was adopted to literally save his life. If an adoption is meant to be part of God's plans...yes He does provide. If not it is not meant to be. I still hope to find my birth family...if it is suppose to be,it will be and vice versa

I was adopted. However I had an emotionally abusive adopted family,but in looking back it made me the person I am today :)

Hope this answers your question
2010-06-15 19:57:45 UTC God provided for me when I was 18 yrs old. Lutheran Child and Family Services provided strangers with my newborn...those strangers that LCFS chose to be more worthy of my own child, than myself.
2010-06-15 20:19:26 UTC

If "God" had "provided" for me, I would not be a first mother.

Adoption ruined any faith I had in "God". It has certainly shaken my faith in people too.
2010-06-15 19:38:55 UTC
I guess it depends on your own personal faith. For me, He did throughout all of my own included.
2010-06-15 19:37:36 UTC
He and my adoptive parents SURE DID...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.