Did God Provide for me......... Im not sure exactly what your asking, But I will say this.... I don't believe there is a god to tell you the truth, If there is, I don't understand him at all.... I am not a religious person, But if one was to say that god chose me to have the life I have , Then I have a big problem with that!
You know, I have been here a while now, Making sure people know that not all adoptions are good, and sometimes they makes things worse, not better!
To tell you the truth, I don't know what I believe any more..... I have said many times in the past that I was born by mistake, Some people might use that as a punch line or perhaps they may say it if their going through a rough time..etc.. But I really believe that.... I have since I was 12 yrs old.
You know , Most 12 yr olds are busy playing and having fun, You know just being kids, Now don't get me wrong, I did play to, But all the happiness I showed was fake, I was pretending to be happy!
Why was I not happy..... I couldn't tell you, But even back then I knew something wasn't right, I felt like I was put on this earth by mistake....
I don't know what to believe any more......... They say life is precious and you should live every day to its fullest because no body is promised tomorrow, But what if you just don't care if your here tomorrow or not...
I am hoping that one day I find my bio Mom and all this hate I have inside goes away, But what if I do find her and it doesn't go away, then what...
To think this horrible existence I am living is gods will just angers me even more.... What did I do to deserve this kind of life....
Im not sure if this is the kind of answer you wanted , But this is what I think...