2009-01-14 21:09:46 UTC
It was supposed to be an open adoption, but the adoptive mother only kept her promise for so long.
All I ever wanted from her was a photo and a few sentences saying that my son was alive and well. I never requested anything more.
I didn't hear anything at all from her for over 3 years now. She completely cut off all contact with no explanation. I just about gave up...I thought I would never know anything about my son until he became an adult and hopefully tried to search for me (or I tried to).
Randomly, I have been conducting my own searches via the internet in hopes that I would stumble upon his name and know that he is indeed okay.
Tonight was my lucky night. I found him. I also found out a few new things I was unaware of. The adoptive mother got remarried and changed my son's last name. I am 100% sure that it is him and our open adoption contract stated that she has to inform me of any name changes, address changes, etc.
I guess the contract doesn't really matter now anyway because she hasn't stuck by anything in there. Well, I can't contain my excitement and relief that I finally know that he is okay! I literally wept with joy.
I just don't know what to do next? Now that I have tracked them down, do I write to them and politely request a photo? I want to see what he looks like, how much he has grown, etc.
At the same time, I don't want to seem like a crazy obsessed stalker. They would have contacted me if they had wanted to right? But maybe only the adoptive mother doesn't want any contact and he does?
I don't know what to think or do...any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!