I'm anti-adoption. I don't know (nor will I guess at) how some mean it when they use it to describe others. (I assume they mean it as an insult. I am not insulted.)
This is not a position I've arrived at quickly or rashly. A few years ago, I was more ambivalent about adoption. I've become increasingly of the opinion that adoption is wrong, always, and that we continue it simply indicates a lack of creative thinking in our society. I do not believe children should stay in abusive or neglectful situation. Nor do I think children don't deserve love and affection. I just think the institution of adoption has become hopelessly messed up. It screws with children. And I think we need to think of better alternatives.
That said... I am not opposed to people who adopt. I am not opposed to people who support adoption (in some ethical forms). I am not opposed to first mothers who relinquish their children.
My opposition is reserved for the institution of adoption, and for society as a whole (and certain members of it) who refuse to see the dark side of adoption. I am opposed to some of the attitudes out there (whether among adoptees, APs, or FPs) and would like to see them changed. That doesn't mean I want everyone to agree with everything I've said. But I cannot accept the conclusion that adoption is simple and good.
(I recently wrote most of the above in another forum, and thought I would repeat it here for this question.)
ETA: Just to be clear (and I'm serious, this isn't directed at anyone, I just want to be sure that I'm clear on this point): I'm not pro-reform. I respect those who are. But I do not see any adoption as necessary. I think we need to find better ways to help children than the mess that is adoption.
I understand that this will get me even more thumbs down. But that's okay. I'd rather get thumbs down for what I believe than thumbs up for a misunderstanding.
And again, I understand not everyone will agree with me. And I'm okay with that.