Here goes: I'm a bio mom who relinquished for the safety of my daughter. She is Rachael here on ths site. I signed the registry and waited.
I spent the first few months of her relinquishment feeling like I had done the right thing. After all every adoptive parent was June and Ward Clever. Then the horror stories started pouring in about how not all adoptive parents are good to the children. How some of them get returned. How many live their lives out in Foster care and are Raped, abused, and even murdered.
I spent the next 28 years on the rollercoaster. I wondered if I in fact did do the right thing, if she was okay, in a good home with parents that love her, if she was fed properly and received medical treatment when she needed it, if she was still alive and hated me, if she was dead and i would never see her again. I honestly felt deep in my heart that she was okay, got good parents, and I would see her again. This may have been wishful thinking to help me cope.
I received several calls over the years, from men mostly, looking for their bio moms and I would talk to them for quite a while. How odd that even though they got the wrong person there was enough of a connection that we could do that. Each conversation ended with us wishing each other success in our search. It gave me hope but also produced disappointment. I felt sick some days, confident others.
When I got my call, I was in shock almost. A man asked me a few questions ( which are a blur now) all I can remember is saying over and over "no way is this my call, the one I've been waiting for" "is this really finally my call" I remember him saying in a calm, loving voice "you dont' know how happy I am to hear you say that, there is some one here who wants to talk to you" 4 hours later. It was my daughter.
I walked around in a fog for weeks. I couldn't sleep (which is not unusual for me) I wanted to talk to her every day. We tried to take it slow in the beginning but almost 9 years later we can't stand to go for more than a few days with out hearing from each other.
I cried a lot when I was alone after that day. They were tears of joy. I felt like my life had finally been completed. There has been no greater peace in my life than that day. (so I thought)
4 months ago we found her father. Same scenario all over again, sick feeling in the stomach, scared, worried, but a driving force that would not let us back down and run away.
Now my life is truely complete. No one cried that day, but I cried for weeks afterward when I was alone. They both had an instant love for one another and openly admitted it was strange but none the less true. In my life this was my unfinished business. I have no unfinished business, not now.
As for everyones life involved: Rachael got June and Ward Clever for parents, she was well taken care of and even spoiled. I didn't have kids for another 20 years, and didn't marry until 6 years ago. Her father nevr married and never had any more children. He said after what he had done he vowed to never do it again. That is the sadest part of this story. How odd that his life out of the 3 of us is the one I wish had turned out differently. He is my dear friend, we have since talked about many things that never got said and the 3 of us are committed to remain in each others lives from here on out. I talked to him yesterday and rachael talked to him the day before.