Here comes an evil awful social worker to answer the question...
I'm confused...if rights were involuntarily terminated they didn't have to tell her anything to appease her..that makes no sense.
I agree with Giaa Raain (sp..sorry forgot to check).....but I'd like to add that the child also deserves to be safe and feel secure and loved...she deserves to know where her next meal is coming from, when her next bath will be, and that no one is going to leave her alone all with mom might impede her secure bonding to you right away.
Something doesn't make sense to the social worker and find out why she feels this is possible that after years of experience...she knows what she is talking is possible she has it out for this mom...I don't know...
Also..."makes a living ".....please do you know how much a state paid social worker makes.....HA HA HA HA HA HA ... my first year out of college I made $23,000 after 5 years experience and I college degree I made $25,000 people don't do this for the least in the foster care sector.
ETA: Children are not removed because a parent is too poor to afford heat and food. If they are, they should appeal as that is illegal....when rights are terminated for neglect we are talking dangerous conditions, being left alone, unmet medical needs, severe issues.
In my state a parent is provided with a treatment plan, an attorney, a social worker, therapy and EVERY service you can imagine...and when they don't follow through the judge yells at the social worker so they even get a scapegoat for a while...this goes on for at least 6 months to a year sometimes more...courts don't just rush in to terminate rights even in cases where they should.